Copper SFP Transceiver

More Details Hits: 3966

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Package Part No. MoDule Type Data Rate Range Distance Range/Power Budget Connector Case Temperature range Application
Copper SFP EOLT-C12-02 TRX 1000Mbps 100m RJ45 Com./Ind. GE
Copper SFP EOLT-C12-02-A TRX 10/100/1000Mbps 100m RJ45 Com./Ind. FE,GE
Copper SFP EOLT-C12-02-E TRX 10/100/1000Mbps 100m RJ45 Com./Ind. FE,GE
Copper SFP EOLT-C12-02-G TRX 10/100/1000Mbps 100m RJ45 Com./Ind. FE,GE, routers
Copper SFP EOLT-C02-02 TRx 10Mbps 100m RJ45 Com./Ind. FE
Copper SFP EOLT-C03-02 TRx 100Mbps 100m RJ45 Com./Ind. FE
Copper SFP EOLT-C03-02-A TRx 10/100Mbps 100m RJ45 Com./Ind. FE
Copper SFP EOLT-C02-02-E TRx 10Mbps 100m RJ45 Com./Ind. FE, LOS funct.

 Module. Transceiver. Telsiz. Módulo de transceptor. Оптический модуль. Трансивер. émetteur-récepteur. ricetrasmittente. Sende- und Empfangsgerät. Transceptor. الإرسال 光收发模块. 光トランシーバ.
